Dad is doing well-but they still won't commit to what cancer he has!

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Hi Everyone, 
Dad is doing well at the moment, He still hasn't had anymore chemo yet though  not really sure why, But he is happy and plodding on, like us all i guess. Its the not having the info i guess thats getting us down-the docs don't know so we don't it's just sooooo confusing. We believe he will have another chemo on tuesday so hopefully he will still be seeing the oncologist before hand and they may have a little more info for us. Love to you all. xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki

    I've been wondering how things are going.

    I can't believe they still don't know!  Lets hope the Oncologist on Tues can shed a little more light.  Glad to hear that your dad is bearing up well though - I would also describe my dad as 'plodding along' but in a good way.

    We went back to see the Oncologist yesterday and they have said that whilst he is feeling ok they won't give him anymore treatment which was good news in itself as we didn't expect him to be offered anymore regardless of how he felt.

    We are due back in 4 months which takes us 2 months over the original 12 months prognosis so we can only feel positive about that.  He must go back sooner if his pain increases or he starts loosing weight again and while I know that is a possibility I can't help but feel yesterday was a good day!

    I really hope that you get some answers about your dad and that he stays well for as long as possible - keep us posted xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi seems like you in similar situation to me. dad has stage 4 stoamch cancer with liver secondaries and having palliative chemo. he has just come out of hospital after having a high temperature due to chemo and his ongologist have recommended that he has a break from chemo for 3 months.

    she wants to see him back in 3 weeks and has discussed a possible holiday for him and mum. only problem is that he is on heparin for clots in the lungs (a side efffect of cancer and chemo i think). i am unsure if he would be able to fly abraod with this?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Charr and Florence.

    Thanks for your replies.

    Charr I too would have to see that meeting as good- your dad has beat the 12 months which i hope my dad can do to and he may possibly be offered more treatment too to keep it at bay....sounds good to me!!

    Florence, a holiday would be fab wouldn't it ?

    I wish my parents would consider it but at the moment they just won't commit to anything.

    Dad did not see the oncologist yesterday but he did have the chemo (e-carbo), so far so good- tired and has come out in a rash but is ok so fingers crossed.