2011 nearly 2012 or is it Victorian Times?

3 minute read time.

Tonight I am very angry, so angry I dont know where to start.

My husband was supposed to have a cafeter in yesterday, when I left today he still hadnt got one.

He was soaking wet and had been for some time when I got there. He is semi-awake, sometimes he trys to get a bottle but doesnt manage.

Because he is very uncomfortable to be moved around, he is naked lying on his bed with just a sheet over him. He is in and out of sleep,but trys to use a bottle, no curtains around because as I said hes not really with it.. He is in a 6 bedded ward! Where the hell is the Dignity in that? If he knew........

He did manage a couple of sentences today about the Dr telling him about his scan results and that its bad news,that the cancer is in his bones etc. and that if I was in before he went off Duty he would tell me too. I wish I hadnt told his own Dr not to tell him the implications of the raised calcium in his blood, his Dr. and I present would have been so much kinder.

Its a good job that my husbands lovely Dr explained all to me on Thursday before he went in an Ambulance to Hospital. I did not see the Dr at the hospital needless to say.

My husbands Dr had said that it would be safer for my husband to be in Hospital over the week-end as I wouldnt be able to contact anyone as its another Bank Holiday. If he was at home, he would be clean and dry.

I went to the Nurses desk,and said where is  is the Dignity in that, that is not right. Its not fair on him or the other patients. Yes we know, this is the Dr you need to speak to, but she didnt know he needed one! She then told me this is the problem at week-ends there are only 2 Registras on for the whole of the Cancer Wards, they had to deal with the poorly ones first, and then get around to the ones like my husband.

I have even been asked today wether I will be having my husband home or will he be going into a Nursing Home. Hang on a minute, the roller coaster is going far too fast now, I am struggling to catch up. I was still hoping he was going to be able to walk out of there, be alright for a while and.......

I am writing this as its a New Years Eve that I know I will never forget. I am sitting at home with just me and the dogs, hoping so much that there will still be time to make some more happier memories.

This is 2011, very nearly 2012. What on earth happend to the sick and elderly being treated with Respect, Kindness, allowing them the Dignity they deserve. Nurses and Drs do not have the time because they are filling in forms, they are under staffed etc etc. Its wrong its so very wrong.

What ever happened to the basic principles of Nursing.

I am not sure that I should have put this on the general site, perhaps it should be on Carers site, but why are we all allowing this  to happen. One Nurse said today, I would do it myselft if I could, but I cant,we have to wait for a Dr. My husband would have his dignity, he would be clean and dry .

My thoughts and best wishes to eveyone out there with cancer and their carers, on this New Years Eve.

respect     xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Sarsfield

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply

    The events of Saturday happened to the wrong person. My husband might be an old man, but HE IS MY OLD MAN!!!  He cannot fend for himself right now, but I can. I played hockey for years and years, well known for my attacking!!! I use to enjoy scoring goals, I loved the sound of the ball hitting the back board sooooooo much.

    I feel that sort of spirit rising!

    Bless you,

    Hope today finds you well.




  • FormerMember

    Hi Colin

    Hope you enjoyed your time away. Sounds like you ventured further into Wales, theres not much internet access up them mountains! and they do get in the way. But they are lovely.

    When I visited yesterday I was greeted by the usual friendly staff, and an arm touched me as the ward sister walked by. I read a lot into that. Its not we will be nice to you because, it was a gentle yes, we know.

    Yes must admit he did have a smile on his face when he told me he had a bed bath!!! They are not given very often these days!!!! Mmmm he has always been a flirt! He would have enjoyed every minute I can tell you, and for the first time ever, I dont feel any jealousy at all! If it made him smile, FANTASTIC.

    He was very chirpy yesterday, much more his old self.

    I love the way you described the putting on weight issue! The problem is as you get older and you are fit and well, the weight can just pile on by just eating slightly more. As an elderly female, my weight seems to change by half a stone every time I stand on the scales. Mind you at the moment I do have to remind myself to eat.

    Well, today is another day and I am looking forward to visiting time.

    Hope you have a good day too Colin.

    Much love



    PS Hope LM back soon, I am having to surpress my nutty side, I am so pleased I allowed it out!



  • Hi Respect

    I hope you do write the letter of complaint the thing is what happened to you and your lovely man should never have happened.I think that this could have been anyone of us on this site either now or in the future left in that awful state and those who care about us left feeling so upset and helpless 

    I am glad that your fighting spirit is back and your man will soon be back were he belongs

    sending you both the biggest warmest hugs



  • FormerMember

    Dear Scraton

    Thank you !

    I have just been making the District Nurse laugh, I told her I had described her as Irish and sounded like a nun. Ooops when she stopped laughing she said someone says she looks like a nun too!!!! Bet she has marked up our paperwork with THESE ARE TROUBLE!!!!!

    I hope you are well today, and that it a good one.

    I think I know what I will be doing in my retirement. There has to be ways of stopping it happening. The elderly and sick do not deserve to be treated like it. If you kept your dog like it you would be prosecuted.That should keep me busy shouldn't it?

    Must get of my soap box now and get ready to go to the Hospital.

    Much love




  • FormerMember

    Hi there, the nut job is back in town!

     Glad things seem to be improving your end too with bed baths and catheters and all that. ....

    I am sooooooooo tired from these couple of days that I can't write much at the moment, but just popped in to say hi and whooo hooo I'm back and that kind of thing.

    Thanks for the compliments on hugs you two... better have some more then eh?

    Oh and are you meant to wash pyjamas? I never knew that... wondered why they used to go for walks to the washing machine....  I thought they were just gossips and liked to talk to the underwear to find out all the latest. Well, you learn something every day.

    Here's a big hug for you ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((respect))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Little My xxx