our fight against ovarian cancer

  • results


    Good morning to all, well got the results i was terrified of and it was good news, the tumor has responded to the chemo, so having another 3, then repeat the tests and see whats happening, so fingers crossed. Really suffered with constipation though, due to the oromorph, but got medication and as long as i am aware of it, it's under control. Not felt as good as the 3 weeks prior to last chemo, which is disappointing,…

  • waiting for scan result


    Hi everyone sorry i have'nt been on for a while, I was feeling sorry for myself and had to get stuff sorted out. Firstly i went to my dr because i was feeling so tired and down and i broke down whilst talking to her, i xplained that the zopiclone sleeping pill was'nt working and i had'nt had any sleep except catnaps for weeks, she then changed it to Diazapam and oromorph, excuse the spelling lol, she was also shockrd…

  • 3rd chemo

    Well completed the third round of chemo on the 26th, it was a long day as had to have Paxitel put through really slowly because of reaction last time. This is an important time chemo wise, as I am now having a scan on the the 9th July to see if things are improving, this scan is then going before the MDT on the 15th July, before my clinic appointment on the 16th so there are going to be decisions to be made. Anyway first…
  • day 18 after 2nd chemo


    Hi everyone i am back at last!! My daughter has loaned me her laptop until mine is repaired, i did'nt realise how much i depended on it. I must admit i've not been having too good a time recently, although i have'nt been really poorly, i have had little niggles of stuff such as, muzzy headache, nasty taste in my mouth and niggly pain here and there and above all else, the feeling that the cancer is taking me over and…

  • 6th day after second chemo


    I'm feeling a little down today and sorry for myself, it's not that anything bad has happened, its just always feeling under the weather and wondering if i'm ever going to feel relatively normal again. Sorry to be so down today but i did say at the beginning it would be a warts and all account. It may be that as the day goes on i will be able to give myself a kick up the bum but we will see :( dee