our fight against ovarian cancer

  • 5th day after 2nd chemo


    Well after a positive start to the week its gone downhill a bit, mostly exhaustion but my throat feels really thick, like its been coated with something. Not eating and drinking much either because everything tastes vile:( I am attempting to use juice ect like medicine and drinking about 50-80 mls straight off to keep my fluids reasonable and not get too dehydrated. However the GOOD news is my clinical nurse specialist…

  • day 3 after 2nd chemo


    Well i dont know if its because strength of chemo being reduced or taking the prescribed meds regular, but i'm having a much better time this time, coping well, doing little things round the house plus eating and drinking all good!!!! If it will be like this in between chemo i will b able to cope fine. :) dee

  • day 1 after chemo


    Well what a change today from last time, I have been taking all my meds, on a regular basis , but even though i have had nausea i feel almost normal, i have benn able to do a tiny bit of gardening, tidied when the grandkids had gone home, picked my hubby up from hospital and sat in garden most of day feeling tired now though but looking forward to tomorrow:) dee

  • 2nd chemo completed


    Well thats that over and another reaction discovered lol about half way through the first bag of Pacitaxel my back went into spasm, i thought i had moved funny and twisted it, but no, chemo had to be stopped for a while while a heat bag was put behind my lower back and another dose of Piriton and one of Hydrcortisone while pain went, which was'nt long thank goodness:) then a staggered chemo again until full speed. Feel…

  • oncologist meeting before 2nd chemo


    Today we went to see the oncologist to discuss the terrible reaction i suffered after my first chemo, the upshot was he was'nt sure whether or not to revert back to one chemo or to reduce the strength of the 2 i am on to 75%, after much talking we decided to reduce the strength because the benefits of having the 2, although only small, are worth having. I have now been given, Codiene for the pain and Zopiclone to help…