waiting for scan result

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone sorry i have'nt been on for a while, I was feeling sorry for myself and had to get stuff sorted out. Firstly i went to my dr because i was feeling so tired and down and i broke down whilst talking to her, i xplained that the zopiclone sleeping pill was'nt working and i had'nt had any sleep except catnaps for weeks, she then changed it to Diazapam and oromorph, excuse the spelling lol, she was also shockrd that i did'nt have a community mcmillan nurse and sorted that out immediatley, in fact i had a visit the very next day, the nurse then changed my sleeping regime to tamazapam and 5mls of oromorph, IT WORKED LIKE MAGIC!!!!!! and the very next day after about 5 hours sleep i felt almost normal and that has continued, i am on day 16 after third chemo and although the first 6 days were'nt nice they are the only bad ones i have had this time.

I had the scan on the 9th July to see how things are proceeding and its a very nervous wait for all of us until the 16th when we find out the news good or bad, i will keep everyone posted so fingers crossed.
