One Life Live It

  • The dreaded day 4

    It's a very strange feeling to wake up anticipating that you're going to be ill.  I mean, ok, when you have a night out on the tiles you might think about the potential hangover, but this is quite different. In both my prior chemo cycles, Day 4 ...
  • Self Injections - a “how not to” guide!

    After each cycle I need to inject myself with Filgrastim, which boosts my blood count and helps my immune system fight the chemo.  Despite an understandable nervousness from the most non medical person in the world, the first time, I manage...
  • Life in 3 week cycles

    Chemo No3 today and I feel like a pro. I had chemo at home today, and as it is a relatively boring 6 hours of sitting still, I logged onto a 4 hour zoom call at work to pass the time. I think the chemo nurse was a bit bemused!   It's remarkably ...
  • A sneaky weekend away

    My pre lockdown life involved travelling for work pretty much on a weekly basis and a decent number of weekends away camping or visiting friends or simply exploring so it's fair to say that our first weekend away in four months was indeed a treat, ev...
  • Early (cautious) Celebrations

    Remember the 56mm lump that started all this? Well, after 2 cycles of chemo, my MRI shows that said lump is now reduced to 11mm! read that right, a whopping great reduction of 45mm!!!!  Apparently I have had a fantastic response to tr...