October 13th 2022

  • Time away

    We have just come back from a few days away and it was lovely, we turned the phones off and walked along the beach, laughed, ate and just spent quality time together which is what we both needed. I have noticed hubby is in more pain in his chest and ...
  • Not wrote for a while

    Hubby has been making memories, Zip wires, castles, casino to name a few and now we are going to a lodge on a lake just the two of us for a few days to have a rest! He is still doing ok but we know that can change very soon, the nurses have visited a...
  • Home

    Hubby home today from hospital, his oncologist has told us chemo isn’t an option as that could make things worse if he got an infection as part of the lung has died, just got to make the most of our time together and get out and about abit. The...
  • Hospital

    Hubby been admitted to hospital today IV antibiotics and fluid sickness not settling and the sweats have increased they are taking him for a brain scan just hoping nothing has spread. Things have happened so quickly and we have been banging our head&...
  • Limbo

    Hospital rang biopsy results in and made a appointment for the 17th! Hubby didn’t ask any questions just agreed he hasn’t been able to eat anything, when he gets something in most of it comes back up as a result has lost 4kg since the 13t...