October 13th 2022

  • Guilt

    Today I went back to work for the first time since hubby was diagnosed, everyone was lovely which was nice but unfortunately someone passed away as I went on shift (I-work  for the NHS) which was a bit of a shock but I had to get on with my shif...
  • Not a good day

    Today has not been good for hubby, We went away for the night what a big mistake he did nothing but moan he’s turned into a very grumpy man. I do understand why as cancer has taken over everything but I did remind him that it may feel like the ...
  • Waiting

    Hospital just rang and hubby is going in on Tuesday for another biopsy, it’s a step closer to finding out. We also had a lovely phone call from his GP who through out all of  this has kept in touch and asked if we needed anything. Hubby ha...
  • Confused

    Just had a phone call from hubby’s Macmillian nurse, Told us it’s not good even though it sounds like it is, biopsy results come back negative! And would hubby have another one? Yes yes yes! we need to know what type of cancer it is to se...
  • Support

    The day that will stay in my mind forever.  It’s not good news as me and hubby sat there our worlds falling apart. I’m sorry It is cancer and unfortunately it has spread we can offer you palliative care!!!! What no no no this isn&rsq...