Not wrote for a while

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Hubby has been making memories, Zip wires, castles, casino to name a few and now we are going to a lodge on a lake just the two of us for a few days to have a rest! He is still doing ok but we know that can change very soon, the nurses have visited and we have been able to talk freely about what he wants when the time comes and I am fully on board with him being at home where he belongs.

The nurse also suggested cards and letters to the special people in his life to leave which has been easier then he thought it would be, he also bought some special gifts for our daughter and close friends and for the first time ever thought of them himself (I’ve always sorted out gifts and cards) I never knew he was so sentimental!! 
So for now he is doing well and we are taking each day as it comes that’s all we can do. The most important thing is we talk about things and don’t just pretend everything is ok which is how we are both getting through awful time.


  • Hi, I can't imagine how hard this must be for you both and your family and friends. But it sounds as if hubby is coming to terms with his situation and he is feeling better. I'm really happy for you about that. Enjoy making those special memories! Love and best wishes xx