Time away

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We have just come back from a few days away and it was lovely, we turned the phones off and walked along the beach, laughed, ate and just spent quality time together which is what we both needed.
I have noticed hubby is in more pain in his chest and is constantly clearing his throat, he has also lost a lot more weight, we have had to buy more clothes especially underwear! as everything was hanging off him, he never had the biggest bum to start with but now there isn’t one at all!! His once strong arms are losing muscle and his appearance is changing but he still has that little twinkle in his eye. 
We go to see his oncologist next week just to check on him and the nurses are keeping in touch regularly so I know we are not alone. we have to take each day as I comes and try not to dwell on the future as we both know the clock is ticking but we plan on making the best of the time we have left together.

