nutcracker's blog

  • chest pains


    Hi everybody, hope you are well.  Would just like to know if any breast ca. survivors (mine was 2007 - mastectomy/lymph node clearance - rads and herceptin) have had any probs. with pain in their chest surgery site.  My lymphodema seems to have got worse lately and I am having sudden stabbing chest pain where I used to have a boob.  I have had a few breathing probs but nothing drastic - i.e. if I was a smoker I would give…

  • Breast Cancer Reconstruction

    Well, I've made it - had breast cancer, mastectomy, lymph nodes removed - no chemo as caught infection which nearly killed me so had radio. and Herceptin for 1 year.  Anyway, here I am with permanent lymphodaema in left arm, dreadful joint pain from arthritis and thinking about having reconstruction to left breast!  Can anyone give me advice as I am wondering whether it will be worth it - two boobs instead of one -…


    Thanks gang, for replying to my 'empty blog'.  Well, I thought I'd try again so here goes:  Three weeks before my appt with lymphodema nurse on 2nd Aug. I noticed a kind of lumpiness, swelling on my mastectomy scar.  I'd given up wearing my sexy arm stocking as it was causing a lot of shoulder pain and stabbing in my op. site so was looking for a bit of reassurance.  Turned up at the hospital, no-one there…



    Hi all, I've just spent forever trying to write a new blog post - got to the end of all the ramblings and it disappeared, so if anyone finds it please let me know.  God bless.  It was a bit of a moaner anyway!

  • post breast cancer


    hello everyone my best wishes and  health to you all.  I was diag. with breast ca. in May 2007 - had left mastectomy, ax clearance for grade 3 ca.  Couldn't have FEC or Taxotere as caught infection after first dose - by the time I recovered - Dec. 2007 it was too late so had 25 radios and 1 yr herceptin which finished in Mar 2008.  Just recently, have been feeling really tired, breathless - for which I have an asthma…