post breast cancer

1 minute read time.

hello everyone my best wishes and  health to you all.  I was diag. with breast ca. in May 2007 - had left mastectomy, ax clearance for grade 3 ca.  Couldn't have FEC or Taxotere as caught infection after first dose - by the time I recovered - Dec. 2007 it was too late so had 25 radios and 1 yr herceptin which finished in Mar 2008.  Just recently, have been feeling really tired, breathless - for which I have an asthma inhaler and constant pain in my right side below ribs.  Am taking co-codamal, tramadol, diclofenac and sleeping tabs to help with this pain, joint pain and now pain across my chest.  I have seen onco. but he said he could find nothing sinister at this moment in time so had x-ray and am waiting for ecg.  I just don't feel right but no-one seems to know why?  I feel like such a fraud but the pain is making me really miserable now.  Does anyone else suffer this type of pain - is it normal?  I keep thinking maybe my ca. has come back but only time will tell - I am in complete limbo - wish I didn't worry so much and could ignore my pains, tiredness and try to have fun.

  • Keep pushing for answers. Don't let anyone fob you off, you may not want to pursue it but sometimes fear of the unknown is worse. I was in a similar situation and feared my cancer had returned. I had x-rays, bone scans, and MRI (read my blogs if you like - it will be quicker than me explaining here!) and it was finally diagnosed and reasons for my pain explained.

    I wish you luck and strength!


  • FormerMember

    many thanks KateG - I will read your blogs and wish you all the best, again thanks for taking the time.  Ann

  • FormerMember

    Nutcracker, no one knows your body like you do. If you want answers keep asking the questions. As Kate says, the fear of the unknown can be worse although you do need to be prepared for every outcome.

    It is possible that your aches, pains and breathlessness are unrelated to cancer. Sometimes we are all guilty of forgetting that other things can go wrong with us!

    Best wishes,

    Bad Fairy x