chest pains

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Hi everybody, hope you are well.  Would just like to know if any breast ca. survivors (mine was 2007 - mastectomy/lymph node clearance - rads and herceptin) have had any probs. with pain in their chest surgery site.  My lymphodema seems to have got worse lately and I am having sudden stabbing chest pain where I used to have a boob.  I have had a few breathing probs but nothing drastic - i.e. if I was a smoker I would give up.  I used to get these pains when I wore a compression sleeve on my left arm but gave up because of shoulder pain/same stabbing pains.  I know this is a sign of healing in the early days but my surgery was in June 2007 and its now 2011 - does anyone else have the same probs.  I also keep suffering back/hip pain and am waiting to see orthopaedic surgeon to find out what is going on.  I know everyone on here is so supportive and thank you to anyone with breast cancer who may be able to help me.  Happy New Year to you all in any event and god bless. Ann

  • FormerMember

    Hi Anne its nice to hear from you although I am sorry that you are having problems.

    I can't answer your question but something similar happens to the op site on my ankle which I broke 8 years ago. I don't think any opsite really heals totally.

    You are best seeing your GP for your answers to ease your mind.

    I hope you can get peace of mind soon.

    Love Julie xx  

  • FormerMember

    Hello Julie and thank you so much - what you've said makes me feel better already - at least I'm not alone with symptons, although I feel for you.  Enjoy your Sunday and take care, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann

    I too started to experience pain three years after treatment/surgery.  I went to see my consultant who explained it was (in my case) muscle/nerve damage from the RT, the official term being costochondritis.  He also explained that the effects of RT can last a very long time. I had recently joined a gym and probably been overdoing it!  I do, however, agree that you should consult your specialist/GP for a confirmed diagnosis.

    Wishing you all the very best,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann, I had a lumpectomy in Dec 2003 and can tell you I still suffer pain at the site of surgery. Sometimes it's a stabbing pain which I have been told by the docs is due to nerves being cut during surgery. The area surrounding my scar is very lumpy and extremely painful to touch.

    I also have suffered back and hip pain and was sent for a bone scan a few years back. Nothing showed up. I also suffer shoulder pain on the same side as my surgery and the doc told me this is very common after breast surgery.

    I hope you manage to get some answers to your problems and can find something to help.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann,

    Hope you get to the root of your problem. Keep in touch and lets us know how it goes.

    Take care and be safe Bih Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx