New Year, New Worries, New Age Counselling

2 minute read time.

So it's been a while since I last posted. If I am honest I think the idea of coming back to my blog seemed a little too scary. When I read my blog, I remember all the appalling feelings I had several months ago and it seems somewhat masochistic to put yourself through that. What's happened since November? Work is really busy but generally things are going well.

I'm trying to help fellow cancer people as best I can. I've supported the NHS Help with Health Costs #NHSHWHCHero campaign on their Facebook to try and raise awareness for people who are being treated for cancer need to get a Medical Exemption Certificate in order to be exempt from paying for their prescriptions - loads of people have no idea! The Facebook page is here if you want to check out my giant post-Christmas cheeks -

I've even posted the photo on Macmillan's FB and Twitter pages and Cancer Research because bless them it looks like they need a hand!

I've also offered my help to Macmillan Today's Facebook page as they're trying to get more engagement from younger people so they're going to use extracts of my blog on their page from February. You can check out their page too here -

I'll be a social media whore by the end my days spreading my ginger self all over the internet!

What else? I'm still having regular blood tests. My liver is still being naughty but otherwise I am generally well, just as neurotic about my health as I was before Christmas but I'm trying to talk myself out of it. In other news, I was referred for and am now attending 'situational adjustment therapy' which just seems to be a fancy way of saying 'shit happens, so let's talk about how you get on with your life' which I am to be fair!

My counseller is lovely - very funny and chatty but frankly also batshit crazy. I think I might have a crazy person target on my face because I always seem to meet them. I don't know if I feel any better about cancer having started counselling because well...I don't really see how what we do is relevant but I am trying all the same. She gives me homework though! Seriously, who wants a kick in the face? Disease not enough? Now you have extra to do! I do wonder whether she's just making it up as she's going along though because this week I was told to watch both Bill and Ted films, a counselling book based on Wind in the Willows called Counselling for Toads and to think about my deep inner thoughts on mortality so that we can have an existential discussion this week on death...well won't that be cheerful!!

I've got some new lumps but they're tiny so I'm not yet in a position to point them at my Haematologist. I also have an unidentified pain in my tummy but I'm hoping that's something innocent. I had my first panic attack in a few months a couple of days ago because of the lump/pain situation. I hate the fear rising in me and I want to pop a lid on it but that's never so straight forward. I am determined not to read the previous entries in this.

Generally things are OK...let's not make it worse by frightening yourself Lottie!
