Strung Out

1 minute read time.
My usual determination to see the bright side has been tested to the limit in the last week. I got my blood test results and thankfully there's nothing massive to worry about aside from some of my liver results. It seems my liver isn't doing as well as you'd hope so further tests have been ordered but they're satisfied that I'm not an alcoholic; intravenous drug user; promiscuous or in the habit of meeting people for unprotected sex from far flung places so in the absence of liver disease, HIV or Hepatitis they are trying to reason out this new development. Fun times. On Thursday I found a lump. This was was on my thigh and about as near my lymph nodes as the one on my arm was. I'm pretty freaked out but it's being noted. I'll go back to get it looked at again and go from there. I'm outraged with my body. I am aware how crazy that sounds but why did it have to do this just as things started to settle down? It all seems like a sick joke at the moment. People too are difficult and again I find myself wishing some of the people in my life could get some real perspective and real priorities. My patience with conflict is waning and I want to run into the distance screaming until my anger subsides but instead I will get on with it and politely listen to the bizarre rationale.