Non Hodgkin Lymphoma - One Careful Owner

  • You might feel like you've wet yourself...


    Those were the comforting words said to me by the nurse this morning. Never mind that the dye makes you hot and tingly in a way that isn't as pleasant as you'd hope, you get to look forward to feeling like you've wet yourself without actually doing so. And they say cancer isn't glamorous. 

    I got the first appointment so I was in and out very quickly once I'd stopped feeling like my face might fall off…

  • Squeezing two months into two days.


    I've come a little later to this blogging lark than I'd like and I feel if it's to be cathartic I need to get some of the finer and frankly less hilarious thoughts out of my head and into the world wide web. I apologise in advance.

    I'm naturally one of life's worriers. I grew up quickly because of our family situation and it's left me overly cautious. I think part of the problem getting my head around this…

  • Weird and wonderful reactions (so far).


    I like to look for the humour in the worst of situations and bizarrely there is quite a lot to laugh about, if nothing else because of the random responses that come out of the people who care about you. Here are some of my most inappropriate reactions so far:

    1) My line manager who likened having cancer to an episode of Men Behaving Badly when Tony got athlete's foot and was thrilled that little fungus had chosen…

  • An introduction of sorts.


    My name is Lottie. I am a 26 year old sarcasm factory of joy and in April I was diagnosed (eventually) with lymphoma. 

    I had grudgingly accepted the ugly cyst I'd been growing on my arm for nearly 18 months was clearly not going anywhere and asked my GP to 'whop it off' which he duly did but it turned out not to be a cyst. It was actually pretty large and after 3 labs had stared at it for a few weeks my GP called me to…