You might feel like you've wet yourself...

Less than one minute read time.

Those were the comforting words said to me by the nurse this morning. Never mind that the dye makes you hot and tingly in a way that isn't as pleasant as you'd hope, you get to look forward to feeling like you've wet yourself without actually doing so. And they say cancer isn't glamorous. 

I got the first appointment so I was in and out very quickly once I'd stopped feeling like my face might fall off. The scan itself was fine. If anything that early in the morning I had half hoped it might take longer so I could have a little snooze but no such luck. 

The American accented machine voice was a joy. Breath in says he. Hold your breath. My pathetic asthmatic lungs struggled with this bit but he seemed pretty insistent. Breath out! Thank the lord I thought I would turn purple...oh hang on....Breath in! Bugger.

I did the sensible thing and pointed out my new lumps but it'll be a little while until I find out just how far my rebellious cells have travelled. In the meantime I am off to work to try to stop dwelling on the bizarre goings on in cancer land!
