Newly diagnosed bowel cancer

  • Larry 2, Brooksie 1


    Its been a long time since the previous round in the battle between Larry from Shitesville and Brooksie. After the previous encounter Brooksie decided to stick with his plans of a holiday to celebrate his silver wedding and postpone the next fight with Larry.  Well that holiday is now a wonderful memory and the next round took place on the 4th October when Larry was cut out, however the wee b******d was down but not out…

  • Larry 1 Brooksie 1


    News report

    In the latest round of the heavyweight  fight at the CT scan arena, the judges decided to award the round to Brooksie (yippee!). After a VERY long deliberation, as Larry from Shitesville (boo, hiss) had not spread his evil little tentacles anywhere else, the judges agreed that the score should now be even. Brooksie's management said "Ninewells staff really need to get their fingers out of their asses, to wait…

  • Larry 1 Brooksie 0


    News report

    In the 1st round of the heavyweight fight between Brooksie from Scotland in the blue corner (feel free to cheer and clap) and Larry from Sh**sville in the red corner (boo and hiss as much as you can), the  judges have unamimously decided it was a victory for Larry.

    In a press conference after the BumCam, Brooksie said:

    "Yeah he got me with a sucker punch, I didn't see the wee b*****d coming at all"…

  • "Cancer, and my name is Larry"


    The last few days have been full of ups and downs, though many more downs than ups. Not sure if its normal, but have been having mainly morbid thoughts. Probably quite irrational. I tend to be quite organised so I checked with my solicitor to make sure he still had copies of my will. I then made a list of all my bank accounts, where the money was, life insurance reference numbers, pension reference numbers etc and how…

  • Newly diagnosed bowel cancer


    I use computers all day every day but have never really been into 'blogging', 'facebook' etc, so this is a new venture for me.

    On Wed I had a colonoscopy and was told immediatly that I had bowel cancer. Not sure If I'm still in shock or not. Don't know much else other than I have to have a CT scan in the coming weeks to see if its spread elsewhere. Have to admit I'm a scared 52 year old