"Cancer, and my name is Larry"

1 minute read time.

The last few days have been full of ups and downs, though many more downs than ups. Not sure if its normal, but have been having mainly morbid thoughts. Probably quite irrational. I tend to be quite organised so I checked with my solicitor to make sure he still had copies of my will. I then made a list of all my bank accounts, where the money was, life insurance reference numbers, pension reference numbers etc and how many death certificates my wife should get in case the worst happens. I even made a list of names and telephone numbers of people I felt should know and surprisingly it felt better once I'd done it and now I feel a bit more positive.

Today I've decided to give my cancer a name (don't ask me why 'cause I don't know) but he is called Larry. Apologies to all Larry's out there, no offence meant. It stems from an old 70's song by The Floaters called 'Float on'. Strangely enough I heard it just the other for the 1st time in years. For those of you that don't know it, the singers take it in turn to sing, starting with their star sign and name. When it gets about half way the through one guy steps up and says "Cancer, and my name is Larry". With this and the tenatative link of the groups name to the stuff coming though the colon, it seemed appropriate.

So thats it, no longer is it cancer, its Larry. Even this has helped me feel less morbid.

Hopefully might find out this week about the CT scan

  • FormerMember

    Hi there and welcome to macland....

    I think it is perfectly normal to have morbid thoughts and in some ways I think it is good for as you say, once you have done that bit, you can relax in a way. Otherwise you get a constant fear I think of oh no, what if... whereas if you have done the what if, then whatever happens is ok and usually not as bad as you thought!

    I have got anal cancer which although in the same area is a bit different with different treatment. I was alos told there and then when I had my camera, though they thought it was bowel at that point.

    Hope you get your appointment for your CT scan soon and that treatment starts pretty sharpish as it is the waiting that seems to do all our heads in more than anything.

    Plenty of support here and from the bowel group. They are great for specific questions about treatment etc. I know it is scary but if you think of all of us on here typing away and plenty of us out the other side doing ok, it is possible and do-able.

    Good luck in kicking Larry's into next week!

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Hey Brooksie & Larry,

    Everything Little My said, as she's my twin. Larry won't know what hit me - ps my ex husband is called Larry so I'll happily kick him about lol 

    Keep blogging I like your writing style :)

    Sassy xo