Larry 1 Brooksie 1

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News report

In the latest round of the heavyweight  fight at the CT scan arena, the judges decided to award the round to Brooksie (yippee!). After a VERY long deliberation, as Larry from Shitesville (boo, hiss) had not spread his evil little tentacles anywhere else, the judges agreed that the score should now be even. Brooksie's management said "Ninewells staff really need to get their fingers out of their asses, to wait 8 days for a result is not acceptable - they obviously don't realise how much stress this puts on the fighters".
After the judgement Brooksie said "Now I know what I'm facing, I'm gonna take the holiday we'd planned with my gorgeous wife and get myself built up for the next round - the big one at PRI stadium.  We both need the break and a few more weeks probably won't make a difference to the outcome. It will be good to see the wee b******d get chopped out of the game, hopefully for good"

The date of the crucial round at PRI stadium is yet to be confirmed, but the 1st or 2nd week in October seems likely

  • Deafening cheers around the arena from Brooksie's supporters.A crescendo of boos for Larry as he hangs off the ropes after taking a thorough beating from Brooksie.Brooksie is carried shoulder high by his supporters singing we are the champions and another one bites the dust,as Larry prepares to be booted out of the arena and into oblivion by hob nailed steel toe capped boots.What a champion our Brooksie turned out to be.He is now off for a much deserved holiday Larry the much hated by all opponent doesn't stand a chance.Big hugs Cruton xx