New to group

  • mag123ben

    I have been ill for a few years now with high white blood cells. Always told infection. Seen new Dr. And had bloods taken, exray, bone scan. Blood sent to blood hospital and they have found not infection, but JAK2 gean. ( Sorry if the words are wrong...
  • My brother has cancer

    Hi all My brother has stage 4 lung cancer. He was diagnosed 4 months ago and only told me just before christmas. Staff at his work were taking him to appointments and pleaded with him to tell me but as he said to have told me makes it all real. It&#3...
  • Recall from personal referral following 5 years free after lumpectomy

    Lumpectomy in 2017, scanned for 5 years all clear, advised to refer myself after 2 years &, have just received recall from that mammogram - no symptoms but advised mammogram unclear - beside myself with worry although GP thinks based on my histor...
  • My sister has cancer

    Hello I am new to the group, my sister had ovarian cancer 8 years ago and had a full hysterectomy to cure it , she has been in remission for 8 years . Yesterday we found out it is back in her vagina but this time it is terminal nothing they can do on...