
Less than one minute read time.

I have been ill for a few years now with high white blood cells. Always told infection. Seen new Dr. And had bloods taken, exray, bone scan. Blood sent to blood hospital and they have found not infection, but JAK2 gean. ( Sorry if the words are wrong) ok that gives me 14 to 20 odd years to live. By then I will be over 100 years old. I'm in the mind of being annoyed that it took so long, I have fibromyalgia and that was 5 years of being told, all in the head. Untill I moved to England. Also gall bladder,4 years with that untill I was listened to. Had to have it removed. I'm in a tunnel with no one listening to me. Am I the only one. I even had a letter sent to the specialist in a hospital saying my occupation was sitting the Dr. Surgery. I walked out. Felt so depressed. 
