Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness

  • Neuroendocrine - what's that?

    Earlier this week, I met some fellow cancer fighters and the conversation turned to what inspired us to ‘do what we do’. When it came to my turn, I was already prepared to regurgitate my usual 'spiel'. As sometimes happens, a listener queried me with the words "Neuroendocrine - what's that?". Another focussed on 'Neuro' enquiring whether my nervous system had somehow become cancerous…

  • The C Word

     'The C Word' or 'The Big C' - the subject which must not be discussed.  Or is this now an out of date phrase?  I read a useful article a month ago where the author debated where we might be if, 50 years ago, we were as open about cancer as we are now (there, I said the word).  Nowadays you cannot turn a page in a newspaper without seeing a story of sadness, inspiration or medical science progress. Certainly…

  • A deadly cloud with a silver lining for Cancer

     One of the great things about learning is that it never ends :-)   I came across this piece of information about how chemotherapy was invented.  I had no idea.  It all began with the development of mustard gas and I'm sure we've all seen the awful pictures of solders leading each other from the battlefield having been affected by this 'deadly cloud'.  Let's hope we never have to witness this again.  This…

  • No Fear

    It's that time again, every 6 months I need some checks.  I've done the specialist blood test (Chromogranin A - CgA) and the 24 hour urine (5HIAA) and am waiting on my CT scan appointment. It's also time for my annual Echocardiogram and a DEXA bone scan (I'm on long term blood thinners (Clexane) and there is a risk of osteoporosis). I then see my Consultant and he delivers the news.  Happy days :-)

    I positively…

  • Carcinoid Syndrome - 5 E's

    One of the curious things about Neuroendocrine Cancer (NET Cancer) is that it can exhibit one or more vague symptoms collectively known as a 'syndrome'.  There are various syndromes depending on the location and type of NET Cancer but the most common is associated with mid-gut carcinoid tumours known as 'Carcinoid Syndrome'. Those with Carcinoid Syndrome are likely to be (but not always) at an advanced stage of…