Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness

  • Exercise is Medicine

    I suspect we all know exercise is good for us but it does sometimes take quite a bit of effort to get out there and do some! Apparently the older you get, the harder it becomes (I can confirm this is true!).  I did write about this in 2014 (Exercise - it's a free prescription).  In fact, my blog  was actually created to document my return to fitness and good health 12 months ago!

    I was prompted to write this blog after…

  • Colonoscopy Comedy

    Last year I wrote a series of blogs on the 'coping' side of cancer, one of which was entitled Laughter is the best medicine. This was my way of saying no matter how tough life is, you need to stay positive and maintain your sense of humour. When I think back to some of the treatments I've had, I sometimes have a little laugh to myself even although I wasn't laughing at the time.  My favourite 'treatment…

  • Lanreotide - Four more years

    The UK general election steps up a gear this month and social media is playing a huge part in the debate leading up to 7 May 2015.  In the USA, the different parties are busily working on their candidates ready for 2016.  It appears that politicians worldwide, are keen to exploit all areas of communication to eke out votes from the young and old who now use social media on a scale which makes 4 or 5 years ago look prehistoric…

  • Well done NHS!

    I've been reasonably lucky with my health over the years, suffering only the usual common ailments.  I was slightly asthmatic as a child but this seemed to disappear when I left school going straight into military service. They say an army marches on its stomach... only partly true but the military did look after my health with regular check ups.  I think the only medical emergency I had in my 29 years in that wonderful…

  • Disobedient Objects

    Disobedient Object - home made gas mask

    My wife and I were in London recently and we took the opportunity to visit the world-famous Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum in South Kensington.  A particular display caught my eye entitled "Disobedient Objects" and I immediately thought it had a scientific sound to it.  Imagining a set of everyday objects which somehow didn't behave as you would expect, it sounded great fun so I wandered in.  How wrong…