No Fear

1 minute read time.

It's that time again, every 6 months I need some checks.  I've done the specialist blood test (Chromogranin A - CgA) and the 24 hour urine (5HIAA) and am waiting on my CT scan appointment. It's also time for my annual Echocardiogram and a DEXA bone scan (I'm on long term blood thinners (Clexane) and there is a risk of osteoporosis). I then see my Consultant and he delivers the news.  Happy days :-)

I positively look forward to my tests and I cannot wait to get into that scanner!  'Scanxiety' isn't in my dictionary.  Why? Because testing is one thing that's going to keep me alive for as long as possible.  If I don't get regularly tested, then one day I might just 'keel over' because something wasn't spotted early enough.  Even in the event of 'not so good news', I still see that as a positive because it means the testing is working and an investigation or further testing can be put into place to find the problem - and the sooner the better.  Where's that scanner, get me in it!

One of the most common posts on NET Cancer forum sites is to express personal concerns or worries about upcoming appointments or waiting on the test results. Thinking back to my own countless appointments either for testing, treatment or for receiving results, I appear to be consistently pragmatic in my approach. The test results will be what the test results will be.

Bring it on!

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