
  • Kids and Hubby !!!!!!!!!!!!


    Well another day, a good day too. Happy news for a change, I met my 8th grand-daughter today. Little bit of family history so you will understand why its been so long before meeting her.

    My son (always the little bleeder) is serving a 4yr prison sentence for a drunken brawl, he is not normally a fighter so this was a shock to us all. He started his sentence 6th December last year. In May this year his fiancee decided…

  • wanted to cry but now I dont


    Hi all, got up this morning feeling very tearful, had a butchers round site then tried that chat room and met Nutrix (cheeky chappy) and sorry cant remember her name now, but feel soooooooo much better. THANKS x

  • GP visit about the dizzt spells


    Hi everyone

    Firstly thanks for your replies of support, love this site. Get more emotional support from you lot than most of the family, sure some of you feel the same too. ((((((((((((xxxx)))))))))))) have a hug from me.

    Well I got him to the GP this morning, checked ears and they need a clear out, (was told before by oncology that the radiotherapy seems to increase the wax build-up but totally forgot) No infection …

  • another lump!!


    Dave got up late today, about 10 am before he came downstairs. He looked rough so I asked him if he had a bad night again, doesn't sleep much since the cancer invaded. Couple of hours at a time and long spells of laying there waiting for sleep to come again. We do share a bed but the most I get in one hit is 4hrs so rather than disturb his sleep more I go downstairs for a cuppa and get in spare bed if need be.


  • chat room rocks


    Hi just had my second experience on chat and found it a good place to be. Last night was a bit daunting as so many people on it my eyes were rolling trying to read your messages.

     Felt like I was intruding at first as I am a carer not a (what would be the right word to use without offending) carrier, probably still not the right term to use. Anyway I went on again this morning and was amazed that Mel knew my age. How…