another lump!!

1 minute read time.

Dave got up late today, about 10 am before he came downstairs. He looked rough so I asked him if he had a bad night again, doesn't sleep much since the cancer invaded. Couple of hours at a time and long spells of laying there waiting for sleep to come again. We do share a bed but the most I get in one hit is 4hrs so rather than disturb his sleep more I go downstairs for a cuppa and get in spare bed if need be.

Today was different, he really looked bad. Think he may have inner ear trouble as he kept getting bad dizzy spells. Don't think it is vertigo, have had that before and not the same feeling. He has suffered ear pain since the very begining and after surgury was worse, still has bad days of pain like today. He also said he has found yet another lump (thought everything had been removed when saliva glands came out?) just under his jaw. He must be concerned as he doesn't normally tell me anything, well he did say on sunday he found a lump, as usual dissmissed it as soon as he said it. Now back onto the getting garden finished, the drive done.............................he did this before the op as he was sure he wouldn't come out of it so this tells me he really is worried.

Rang his nurse and explained the situation as I thought his appointment was next week and he hasn't let me go in with him for months, I always ring Debbie to give her a run down just in case he forgets to mention something. Turns out his appointment is next month. Cant wait until next month! Debbie has been a great help with him over the pass 2yrs and once again she put my mind at rest and booked him in for next tues.

It never leaves us, always in the back of our mind is this lump cancer, are these pains connected, has it gone somewhere else......................bloody awful desease. Give me the strength to continue to fight for and with my David

  • FormerMember

    My heart goes out to you. I know exactly how you feel. I think one of the worst things about this disease is the emotional rollercoaster. One minute you think everything is fine and the next something happens to slap you in the face. I dread ken telling me he has found any more lumps. He has cancer of the left side facial sinus.. He has had this since 2005 and it has been a nightmare of radiotherapy, chemo, operations etc. I will be thinking of you and keep my fingers crossed for next Tuesday. I am sure you will find the strength to help David fight this and if you need to contact me please do at any time.

    Lyn xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nannyb,

    My thoughts are with you and David tonight. I send you all my strength and support.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you too nanny b i understand your fears aswell.

    Keep safe

    Much love

    scarlet xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all x


    Shaz x