
  • the next step !!!


    So, we have had the ear wax removed today. Olive oil and Sodium Bicarbonate has helped greatly to soften things, sucked quite a bit out of his good ear (deaf in it, but still refered as good ear as he doesnt have pain in it) and bad ear wasnt that mucky. Carma.....lovely name and lovely lady....said it is the RT that has caused all the problem with the ear, and it has probably contributed to the vertigo. Back in 4months…

  • Daves onc appointment after ultra sound...


    Thought I had better update you all,......................... been so wrapped up with unsuccessful curtain making and catching up on others blogs I had forgotten to let you know about the outcome of Daves appointment.

    As you know his ultra sound showed no cancer YEAH!!  So we went back to see consultant on Tuesday 2nd Aug to find out what else was found, if anything. It turns out that he has three stitches left inside…

  • Inanimate Objects !!!!!!!! not cancer


    I have heard this word used for many years by our old friend Russ (he will be so pleased he has been published :) )   Usually Russ quietly saying it to Dave, at which time Dave would be throwing something up the wall, stamping on it or breaking it in half. Not always a pretty sight to see your man jumping around screaming like a spoilt 2yr old just because something went wrong, but funny all the same.

    Many moons ago during…

  • We have won the lottery !!!!!!!!!!!

    Well it feels like we have :) :) :) :)

    Couldnt do Daves biopsy today.................................NO CANCER

    Cant stop crying ........... eyes look like piss holes in the snow .......mmmm maybe not the best expression to use ....oh who cares anyway, I bloody dont.

    Want to scream my joy from the top of the roof but havent got a ladder big enough !!!!!!! Suppose the next best thing would be to climb in the loft again…

  • Cant give you the real thing, so heres the next best thing


     For  each and every one of you,                                               



    Imagine I'm there in front of you,
                 With arms wide open just for you.  
    Imagine I move nearer to you,
                 One step closer, and then two. 
    Imagine I'm there, touching you,
                 My arms completely around you.  
    Can you feel me hugging you,
                   All my love surrounding you.    