Cant give you the real thing, so heres the next best thing

Less than one minute read time.

 For  each and every one of you,                                               



Imagine I'm there in front of you,
             With arms wide open just for you.  

Imagine I move nearer to you,
             One step closer, and then two. 

Imagine I'm there, touching you,
             My arms completely around you.  

Can you feel me hugging you,
               All my love surrounding you.    

  • FormerMember

    Shaz, I sent you a comment and it didn't come through... don't know what happened but will try again now... and if it does come, then you get two and think I'm a complete nutter.. oh sorry, you probably think that already...!

    Just read your other blog and don't you ever feel selfish or guilty or any of that rubbish! You are just expressing what we all feel... I have been a carer and now have cancer and I know it might sound weird, but I would rather have it than have to look after a loved one with it.. it is so so hard and we all know what you are going through so rant away...

    If I could, I would put you on my knee and give you a big hug! I know that feeling too well...

    I just also want to say thank you cos however bad you are feeling, you always seem to find the time and energy to write comments on my blog and it is those comments that make me laugh and feel supported and not too whiney and selfish (yeah, me too) and get me out of bed in the morning and ready to face the day so thank you thank you and the love and hugs go back to you too... you are a wonderful lady

    Big big hugs and keep the funny stories about dogs and caravans and keep the comments on my blog and keep ranting and ranting and I will keep sending you hugs (and the odd laugh too)

    Little My xxxxxxxx ((((((XXX))))))

  • FormerMember

    I like nutters (being one myself) they make me laugh :)

    It is amazing how getting it off your chest helps, and more than anything the comments you receive.

    It makes you aware that people do care about you thats why I comment on others, even if I cant find the right words.

    I like to put a little humour in as although I am in dispair there are always comic moments.

    Hugs and laughs always appreciated xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    yeah you are right, it does feel good and we do care! and I think you have gathered i do a bit of humour too... got to go and see the solicitors now but no doubt will come back with some silly story to write about.. so look out for a laugh and good luck with the appointment...

    If you have to wait a long time and you don't know what to do to pass the time, you could try my "see how loudly you can say a rude word without anyone noticing" game... or as my brother suggests, try singing really loudly...never dared to do that one, but makes me giggle anyway...

    See you later (((xx)))

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm imagining it right now and it's luverly!  There's nothing like a big hug to make you feel better.  Can you feel me hugging you back?

    I've had problems posting on blogs too when my comments simply haven't appeared.  Very irritating (to put it mildly), especially if it's a long one.

    Something funny happened to me yesterday. I took Gemma for a walk by the river and spied a bench with just one lady sitting on it.  As I got closer I could tell by her pose that she was meditating so I sat down quietly, licking my ice cream.  

    I forgot about Gemma though.  She loves people and waded in to say 'hello', bumping up against the lady's leg and nearly scaring her half to death.  Luckily she saw the funny side and we had a lovely chat sitting in the sunshine and watching the boats and swans sailing by.  Bliss!

    Keep smiling.

    Lots of love and another virtual *hug* for you and Little My, Madge x x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hope you liked your virtual hug, couldnt think what to do to let you all know that, when you need a hug its here.

    Thanks you lot, you really help xxxxxxxxxxx