nanaboo's blog

  • A& E


    While we have been off line Alan was at A&E on Weds eve he has c inflamation in his wrist the one the canula had been in on Monday on strong anti biotics for 5-7 days .

    it is not red now and no longer warm ,but still bit puffy.

    We are off to Devon on monday so wont be on line from late tomorrow until Fri eve . Looking forward to a change of scenery.



  • Chemo end

    Well 6 months have gone and Alan had his last chemo today .He has a scan on 28th then see the doc in october ,we will have fingers crossed,Thks to all that have given support .No fellow chatters i am not planning on going just yet .Ofrf on holiday next Mon for 5 days it will be a break and a change of scenery. take care all Nanaboo
  • Clinic

    Well we have been to clinic . Alan blood is ok for chemo on monday .So thats monday sorted, but we have to return again on Tues for him to have a blood transfusion 2 units. His Haemoglobin count has been getting lower each vist. The doc is hoping this will help him with the tiredness and his breathing . The next clinic appt is to be in Oct ,hoping the scan is done before we go away . Fingers crossed. Nanaboo
  • Another one done

    Alan has had his chemo today another one done ,3 more to go .So soon on a count down fingers crossed. It was a long day left home at 9.30 and got picked up again at 4.30. Had to wait a long time for his chemo to arrive .Started it eventually at 1.40pm .Longest we have ever been . They have cut his GCSF injections as well ,down from 5 to 3 no reason given.So i am hoping this will not delay the end date for us.He only…

    On Thurs Alan went to the clinic at the hosp saw the doc,oh dear his blood count is down again.He has already had 3 days of injections since his last chemo so now its 2 more days fingers crossed his blood count is ok on Monday morn. Doc has said he must now have 5 days of injections after chemo now. He is too have a ct scan when his chemo finishes examined him and said he could feel no lumps.So that was good. He is…