Chemo end

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Well 6 months have gone and Alan had his last chemo today .He has a scan on 28th then see the doc in october ,we will have fingers crossed,Thks to all that have given support .No fellow chatters i am not planning on going just yet .Ofrf on holiday next Mon for 5 days it will be a break and a change of scenery. take care all Nanaboo
  • FormerMember

    last chemo well done alan... enjoy the break nana you both need it ... fingers crossed for the scans xxxxx. liz

  • FormerMember


    enjoy your break, you deserve it, thanks for the support you give to others,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Nanaboo, can't wait till I can also write about my son's last chemo session.  I'm glad you and Alan have made it through chemo for six months (I know how taxing that can be) and are rewarding yourselves with a holiday and a well-deserved one at that.  Have loads of R & R!

    I'll be with you in wishing for best results of scan and doctor's appointment.  

    Warm hugs,
