nanaboo's blog

  • Results


    I posted couple of weeks back that Alan had a biopsey done, they have now comfirmed  that his Lymphoma has come back .

    We are getting a call from hosp on fri as there is a case meeting tomorrow and we should then know more we think he is to have radiotherapy .

    And we were getting nearer to that 2yrs of check and getting signed off .

    Hopefully will go away at weekend go and see my mum .




  • Here we go again ???


    Well its been 14/15 since i probably posted. 

    Things have been going well for Alan but in Sept it was put forward Alan should see a respiritary specialist ,he had a CT scan done through this it has picked up swelling under his arm.

    We now await a appt for him to have a Biopsie done back to see doc in Early Feb .Its a case of is it HL back again something totally different .Only time is going to tell.


    why is it always…

  • Birthday ..first chk up


    Today Alan has celebrated his 80th birthday ,on Thurs he has the first  of his 3 monthly check ups . Hoping iit will still be good news.

    He seems to be good eats well ,but still tierd and breathless when he does things  so i am still trying to get him to take it easy.

    Thinking of all those that have supported us over last 9mths.



  • Update


    A quick vist this morn .Just to let all friends know we are ok.

    Alan hair is begining to grow again ,still not a lot of energy plus his cough ect still bothers him at times .Going to the gp this week so may be some help from there.

    Think of you all often take care

    love nanaboo

  • Yes it worked .........


    Hi Everyone  well things are good here .Been to the hospital today no more treatment for Alan chemo has worked well they were very pleased with the scan .

    His blood count is a bit low still so have to be careful about infection ,but i am sure it will soon build up.

    So now its a ckeck up every 3 months for 2 years then if all ok will discharge him .

    So now planning a vist to my mum .  I shall stay on the site only to happy…