My Sotry so far

  • fuss for nothing ,,,,,, silly me


    well i went to get my stiches out and my dressing changed and i must admit i was totally dreading it on two counts, one that i can still remember the pain 16 years ago having stitches removed and secondly id see the results from last weeks ops.


    Before i knew it the stiches in my face had been removed without any pain i couldnt believe it didnt feel a thing then she did my toe and and although red and inflamed it is…

  • Had the dreaded ops


    Well monday arrived as they often do following sunday and it was time for my ops. dont know why i was so scared other than i was to be awake during the ops. Im very squeamish at best and just the thought of what they had to do was freakin me out, i know lots of you on here have had far far worse invasive surgery but hey i guess we all cope (or not) in our own way.

    Anyway got the preston royal which is like a whole village…

  • Strange day - bitter sweet really

    • yesterday was a strange day in that it was my dads 5th anniversary. Each year we take my mum to the canal where his ashes were scattered and throw in roses for him,. This year we took baby zyien with us, he threw roses in and loved looking at the water and the ducks, Yet its someone who never got to hold him and Zyien will only know him by what he has been told, yet my dad would have idolised him as he did my two other…
  • hypochondriac ==== made to feel like one!!


    hi well after noticing another funny raised mole on my side and the mole under my arm had gone crusty (sorry if TMI) i decided to visit my GP. well normally get on really well with him but today i felt as if he thought i was imagining it all.I informed him that i was going to have the ops in two weeks at preston by the plastic surgeon to remove the rodent ulcer and suspect malignant mole he was more interested in how…

  • got date for surgery


    couldnt wait any longer so contacted the hospital to find out my urgent date for surgery after being redirected 3 times  finally got the appointments team who hadnt got my referral yet (been a week) anyway she was really good and sorted out my appointment for 25th october typically right in the middle of our planned holiday. Hubby explained to the boys why we would have to change our plans and have a short trip instead…