My Sotry so far

  • happy birthday to me


    Well birthday time again and so different from last year when I was in bed with diagnosed swine flu and pregnant. This year I have my little bundle of mischeif and not  cold in sigth yes!!!


    My two older boys have been busy making cards and wrapping presents for me so cant wait to open them, hubby I know is giving me money to go clothes shopping when we go away at the end of the month


    anyway gotta go the matress…

  • plastic surgeon appoinment


    had my long awaited placcy appointment today. he  was really nice and we had a good laugh. he thought i wouldnt need skin graft to face and that he could remove it and sew it back up (in his best sewing of course lol)  having the stiches follow the natural line near nose so less conspicuous. the one of my toe however seemed to give him concern so he went away to speak with GOD the highest placcy man. a couple of minutes…

  • feeling low`


    well where do i begin ive got my plastic surgeon appointment next week finally and then i can move forward as to what is going to happen and when. at the mo feel like im in suspended land just wating for appointments and everything is having to wait till we get the date.

     im not having a go at anyonebut the other day i made the comment on chat that i was bothered about the scarring after as its on my face very prominent…

  • be okay if I could spell lol


    Well unfortunately this keyboard doesnt type the letters i wont honestly!! anyway my story so far is I had a lump on my face which i saw a dermatologist for on 9th August I wa expecting some cream to be told it was a skin cancer requiring surgery and due to the location i need to see a plastic surgeon. totally shocked. I waited 3 weeks and then chased up my appointment to find they had lost my notes!!! anyway sorted now…