operation today and son in hospital too

1 minute read time.

well had my second op today to remove the bits they missed the first time, dreaded it again and although i knew what to expect it still flippin hurt. the anesthetic was flying all over again as they injected it kept shooting out, it was like a scene from a horror film as there was blood everywhere and it took them ages to sort it out last time i had both ops done in less than 40 mins today it was almost an hour, and it keeps bleeding and weeping even now so got to keep an eye on it. specialist said that it was common to have two goes at it and even then just one rogue cell missed would mean having it done again so hopefully they got it all.


my middle son came back from camp very quite on sunday and started throwing up all night, so left him whith mother in law whilst i went to hospital when got back he was very poorly so took him to doctors and he was admitted to hospital with suspected appendicitus or food poisoning now on drips to rehydrate and to stop sickness and awaiting blood tests to see if they need to operate so hubby is staying with him and i came home to look after the baby feel so helpless but he is in the best place.

lets see what tomorrow brings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


love and wishes to you all on your own journiesxxxx


