9 months on.......

1 minute read time.

Just wanted to say a wee hello to everyone that I havent spoken to in a while. I haven't posted on my blog for a bit, kind of felt that there was nothing new to say and didn't seem to get much response so thought people had heard enough of me lol! So here I am, nine months on from losing Mum. Am I coping? Yes, just about. Do I still feel the same pain when I whenever I think of Mum( which is several times each day)? Yes. Has it eased at all? I think that I try to keep it pushed back more than I did, but then when I think Im doing okay, the longing pushes forward screaming. Does life go on? Yes, but it has altered...I have changed in some way.  Yet I do smile..and laugh...and enjoy many things, but I always wish Mum could be here to enjoy them too.....


Some days are full of laughter,while some are still full of tears

A reminder of  those memories. times we shared throughout the years

On some days I'll be smiling, when thoughts of you appear

Other days find me sobbing, wishing that you were still here

A memory from the children of a moment that we shared

Can always take me back and remind me how you cared

I wish with all my heart that you were with me here today

I always think of something that I would have liked to say

We talked and talked for hours but it could never be enough

I long for your words of wisdom when the day has sememd so tough

Everyone thinks that life moves on, and I suppose in a way its true

But I still find myself wishing that I could spend one more day with you..





