10 months on in the journey of grief

1 minute read time.

10 months today since Mum died, and also exactly a year since we were told she was untreatable. This last month has been strangely difficult, and today more so. Not sure if its because June last year was when mum was diagnosed, and so every day for the last month I have woken thinking ..."this time last year". From now until September holds a different memory every day and I feel a little as though my grief has regressed. I do think though that when I get to the anniversary of Mum's death in September, I will be able to look back on this last year and say , yes it has been a horrendous road, but that I am learning to live without Mum,and still smiling, and thankful for all that I still have. And Mum will never really be gone because inside my heart I carry her with me always..

Right now though, I have been feeling very sad. On this day last year, the hope that we had been clutching onto was extinguished brutally and I remember thinking...how can I support Mum through this when I just want to be a little girl again, crawl into her arms and find the comfort that I longed for. So we comforted each other, and Mum showed me in the following 2 months what true strength means, she had courage beyond belief right till the end.

A dear friend on here is facing the loss of her own Mum imminently, and wondering how she will cope. It seems an insurmountable task. But cope she will, day by day, hour by hour, and by remembering that love and memories stay with us forever. I could not imagine a life without my Mum, but it is true, life does go on, albeit different. There are highs, lows, and times of drifting aimlessly on this path. But ultimately, we learn just how strong we can be, and that strength sees us through, as a patient or as family member and loved one.

The next two months for me may be difficult, but nothing compared to this time last year. My strength has come from knowing that Mum would want me to live life fully and make each day count. So thoughmy grief is winning today, tomorrow will be better.

Thank you Mum, for teaching me to be who I am today xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, you're so right. Life does carry on, but it feels so different doesn't it?

    I lost my dad 15 months ago and woke up on the anniversary of his death feeling fine, but as the day went on I kept finding myself crying for no apparent reason. The same thing happened last week. It would have been dad's 70th birthday and I got up feeling absolutely fine. Went about my business. Was going to pick up the flowers for the cemetry and on the way for petrol burst in to tears and that was me for the day.

    I wish you all the very best for the future.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Nearly 2 months on from losing my lovely mum, it is so hard. Your lovely post has made me realise that it is natural that I still cry nearly every day but yes I am still here and trying to keep going. My girls have been amazing and both had excellent school reports despite what they have been through, my hubby as ever us my rock. Mum's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks we knew she was terminal for 20 months before she passed and made the most of every occasion, it's going to feel very empty and painful. I took time off from my nursing course to look after her and I promised I would qualify but with 4 weeks to complete 2 assignments it's very hard. Just got to keep going one day at a time. Xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I think that I have been helped so much by sharing my feelings on here. It always helps to know that there are others feeling just how I am.

    Christine, thank you for your comments, you have often helped with your kind words,

    Mummysgirl, your pain is still very raw, and often our children are what keep us focussing on everyday normal things, just enough to keep us sane! Every first is hard, my Mums' birthday was a week before she died so I've yet to face that, am seriously thinking of hiding under the duvet for the whole of september! Your mum will be so proud of you keeping going with your nursing, as you say just take it one day at a time. Its all anyone can do xx

    love to both of you, Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon.  Sending you lots of love and hugs.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nic and Caroline xx

    Thank you both xx Whenever I come on here I always think of you both and wonder how you are doing too. Spent today with my stepdad, who I love to bits. Over the last ten months he has coped admirably (on the surface anway) and has kept himself very busy. He has decided to retire in October 2 years early. This was always his and mums plan, and he says he fully intends to carry it out because life is too short and to live every day with meaning. I think we could all learn so much from him as he has lost the true love of his life, yet he still thinks of  us first and keeps in very close contact as my mum wished.He has had his own issues lately too  (he had a cancerous growth removed from his hand in June and  is now being monitored carefuly, we as a family have been trying really hard to be positive about it as everything with mum is still very raw) yet still he smiles. So today I feel better, his stoical attitude never fails to buck me up. Love to you both and really hope that we are all on the up road of this journey xx