Wednesday November 3rd - Went to my GP

2 minute read time.

I managed to get an appointment with my GP this morning.  He told me that the way I am feeling is perfectly understandable and that he agreed I am not fit to work at the moment.  He has given me an initial sick note of 4 weeks but is happy to give me another one in four weeks time. 

We also talked about the possibility of bereavement counselling, something I have had before and intend doing again anyway.  Seemingly there is a 12 week waiting list for the NHS and so he suggested I contact cruze and see if I could see someone any quicker.

I phoned them this morning and the woman was lovely.  She says there is a waiting list but that it shouldn't be as long as 12 weeks, so she has taken my details and said someone will contact me with an appointment.

On the work front there has still be no response from my boss to my email.  Today I emailed her again and told her I'd been to my GP, had a sick note and was seeking counselling.  I have still had no direct response but she has been to my friend twice since I spoke to her yesterday.  The first time was to tell her she had received my first email but hadn't replied yet as she was trying to think of how to word her reply.  Can you believe it?  She said she thought she would just leave it!  So there I am needing to know where I stand and she choosesto ignore it rather than deal with it.  The second time was today when she went to Suz to tell her she had received the other email re: the sick note and counselling.  She said to Suz that she was pleased I was looking at counselling and that school could probably help with that.  Sounds like she wants to refer me to OH something I am not happy about!  She said to Suz she was going to ring me and did she think I would answer her call.  Suz said of course I would, why wouldn't I!?!  As yet there has been no call. 

I've set the wheels in motion on the counselling front as I know how long you can wait for an appointment and I'm not actually ready yet to talk about everything as I feel things are still too raw.  Now it appears she thinks she can speed the process up by putting it in the hands of occupational health.  I am not happy!  She needs to let me deal with this at my own pace and accept that I know what is best for me and that's what I'll tell her if she ever rings!

  • FormerMember

    Dear Caroline,

    So pleased your G.P. seems to understand and is being supportive. Very difficult to understand the behaviour of your boss - rather unprofessional I feel. Don't worry about possible involvement of occupational health as you have your doctor's note for 4 weeks and they have to follow protocol.

    You're quite right about counselling. It has to be at just the right time for you, although difficult to arrange given the waiting lists in this area. Hopefully you will feel ready to talk when your appointment comes and then you'll benefit as best you can from it.

    You take care. God Bless.

    Love and hugs, Rose x x x x (((((((((hugs)))))))))))) x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi again Celi. Noted that you said "It sounds like she wants to refer........."  Only sounds like it. You have taken control of your situation and I would not worry too much about how your boss is reacting or why your boss is going to a 3rd party knowing that you will be told anyway............. Perhaps you could let your friend know that if your boss has anything to say etc then it would be better to talk to you directly and keep your friend out of the situation as it seems like it is causing you more stress than you need right now.  You have made the decision to how you stand and your boss cannot argue with that fact at all. Hope you are feeling a wee bit lighter tonight. Take Care ((Hugs)) Donna. xx

  • FormerMember

    Caroline have you read the previous blog re cancer in the workplace, may help you with the difficulty at work!!

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, I was a carer for my husband before he died and had to take sometime off work, OH kicked in after so many weeks (I can't remember now) but they were so good and they are on your side.  

    I went in with all the reasons why I couldn't go back to work and after hearing why I was off they told me that I wasn't ready to go back to work and I might not be for a long time and that they would report that to my employers.  They also offered me counselling but agreed when I said I wasn't ready.

    Your boss should definitely speak to you directly and not through friends as this is a breach of confidentiality.

    take Care


  • FormerMember

    Boss has phoned, very timely, given when mum passed away.  I was right about occupational healthand as I have a four week sick note she says she has no opition but to refer me.  Assures me she is trying to support me rather than pressure me.