December 28th 2009 - A chillout day!

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Having travelled back yesterday from Scotland my mum and I were both quite tired so we decided we'd just chill out.  That's exactly what we've done.  Mum was really tired after lunch and went back to bed for a rest but found she couldn't get to sleep.  This si unusual as normally she goes out like a light.  However she feels ok so, hopefully, she will slep well tonight.

Snow has bee forecast here tonight but we're hoping it comes to nothing so that we can head to the boundary mill sale tomorrow.  I'm hoping mum will agree to use her wheelchair if we go as the store is so big and she tires so quickly but I won't bet on it.  She's not sat in it yet!  Perhaps she'll start without it but if she begins to struggle I can go and get it out of the car, we'll see.

So a very relaxing day today so that we are fighting fit to shop 'til we drop tomorrow!
