January 19th 2010 - Another blow!

2 minute read time.

Mum has felt really well today and was in very good spirits when I got home from work.  She's not even felt tired and was feeling very positive.  So looked like I'd be saying 'another good day!'  Sadly it was not to be.  My friends next door who are more like family had visited Pauls dad in hospital last night as he hadn't been feeling too good and having gone for an x-ray he had been kept in.  The nurses couldn't tell them anything last night but they knew that he was having a scan today.  Paul has just rung to ask me if I'll go and get Charlotte from dance as him and Gillian are going to visit his dad.  He, then, dropped a bombshell.  His dad, who they thought may have had a slight stroke has found out today that he has primary lung cancer with secondaries to the brain!  Pauls words to me were 'and there's nothing they can do!'.

I am really shocked as Peter has always been fit and well just like my mum I suppose.  I'm hoping that perhaps when he says there's nothing they can do it means he is terminal but that they can give him treatment like my mum.  Pauls younger sister is getting married in March and has recently moved down south.  I pray that Peter will be able to give her away.  He brought her up on his own as his wife got early onset dementia when Donna was only a toddler and ended up in care before Donna was in her teens.  Paul is very old fashioned and doesn't show his emotions but I can see he is totally shocked and devastated.

Mum having been very upbeat today has gone back up to bed for a rest.  She says this is the first time she's thought that she could die from this horrible disease.  I've tried to tell her she has to stay positive as she's doing really well with her treatment but this has hit her hard.  I just can't believe that 3 months ago we had never been touched by cancer and now everywhere we turn it is there.  A friend of mine, who is only 39 and has two young kids, has recently been diagnosed with lymphoma and when we found that out mum was devastated, especially because Steph is so young.  Having got to grips with this she now finds out about Peter.  I pray that when Paul and Gillian get back tonight they can tell us that Peter can have treatment.  

  • FormerMember

    hi Caroline,

    What can I say but big hugs to you and your mum

    Love Stacey

  • FormerMember

    Oh Caroline, it's just one thing after another. I'm so sorry.

    Thinking of you and your Mum. {{{{{HUG}}}}}

    Love Alison.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Alison and Stacey.  Paul and Gillian didn't find out much tonight at the hospital as there was no one there they could talk to.  Pete is to have another scan on Thursday.  They didn't know what kind ofscan he'd had today or what he would have on Thursday.  They seemed to be under the impression that because Peter has secondaries that's it!  I've pointed out that my mum is terminal but is still able to have treatment and is doing well.  Peter is well in himself and was just a little unsteady on his feet hence the tests.  I continue to pray that he will be able to have treatment and be well enough to walk Donna down the aisle in 7 weeks time.

  • FormerMember

    Sending you and your Mum the warmest wishes, and hope the news of your neighbour is encouraging. I know it's hard (my step dad seems to have a constant stream of friends and acquaintances who have been recently diagnosed with cancer of various sorts) but try to stay positive. Love Val