Friday July 9th - Mum still not good!

2 minute read time.

I'm not quite sure what's wrong with mum but I know there's something.  She says she's still not great when I ask her what's wrong.  She's back on anti sickness meds 3 times a day but as yet they don't seem to be working.  She is eating, but not much, and says she just feels nauseous.  She also says she is bored sitting around the house all day and night and I'm not surprised. 

Unfortunately I am really busy at work and am getting in late.  This weekend I'm taking Kieran to Hull Uni on Saturday and then am in school filming all day Sunday so not only is she on her own all week but also all weekend.  I was also fiming all day Saturday and Sunday last weekend.  I feel really guilty but there's nothing I can do.  After this weekend my weekends, at least, will be free to take her out and about.

Yesterday was also my dads birthday.  He would have been 78 but, sadly, we lost him to a massive heart attack when he was just 51, 2 years older than I am now.  Mum was younger than me when he died.  Neither of us mentioned it but I'm sure it has been on her mind as it has mine.  I wonder whether a lot of her problem at the moment is more to do with low mood that physical issues.

Christine, her nurse, rung today and then sent the district nurse round, within an hour, to get mums bloods done.  She will get the results on Monday.  She also suggested that mum may need to go back on the steroids.  We don't have a problem with this as the twice she has been on them, for a period of two weeks on each occasion, she felt a lot better but we understood it wasn't a good idea to take them for longer than two weeks at a time.  Is this right?  Can they cause side effects that are better avoided?  Any advice on this would be appreciated.  She will also change mums anti sickness meds if she is still nauseous after the weekend.  Yet again Christine has been right there when we needed her.  Anyone know what they're looking for with the blood tests?  She's not had her bloods done since she finished chemo at the end of March.  Might her white count be low?  Would that make her feel like this?  As usual any insight would be gratefully received.  

  • FormerMember

    hi caroline

    sorry i cant help with answers to your questions but just wanted to say i'm sorry your mum isnt too good at the moment. i hope the actions taken by her nurse will pick her up again quickly.

    also, ((hug)) to you for yesterday for dad's birthday.

    love, C xx

  • FormerMember

    hi caroline, they may just be checking iron levels with bloods and also for infections ,as shes low would be a simple way to check as may be a simple answer,

    also their is no problem with taking steroids longer  but may have side effects but not usually on a small dose ,

    hugs to you both , always here if you want to talk jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    HULL UNI. thats about 5 mins from were my mum lives and where i use to live from 0 to nearly 16...

    have a good journey..

    hope everything will go as good as possible for you and all your family

  • FormerMember

    ps..forgot to add that when my blood counts were low i felt more tired but maybe its different for everyone...

    i hope your mums nurse can sort things out as soon as possible..

  • Hi Caroline, sorry to hear your Mum is stuggling a bit it does get you down a little being stuck in even when you know your not fit enough to go out, I experienced this towards the end of treatment.

    Re steroids my dad has been on them for years and at times was on a high dose, every time he came off them he became unwell and his consultant told the gp off for stopping them. He is on about 2mg a day now and will be for ever, guess its at least 10yrs he has been on them.

    I would speak to the gp or consultant about long term use if it improves your mums condition.

    Quality of life is the important thing and it would probably improve her mood too if you are right.

    take care
