What next?

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The gelclair has worked brilliantly on mums mouth BUT.......  Why is there always a BUT?  Yesterday she felt sick all day and didn't really eat at all.  She used her anti sickness meds which kept it at bay but 'felt off'all day.  She got up this morning and still feels sick so she's had a cup of tea and has headed back to bed, having taken another anti sickness med.

We're not sure what's caused this but think maybe she has swallowed a wee bit of the gelclair?  She doesn't need to take that now as her mouth is fine so, hopefully, she'll begin to feel better if that's what's caused it.  She also ate a muller rice on Thursday that was out of date!  Don't ask!  I told her not to eat it but she said it was absolutely fine, she may have been wrong!?  Anyway, am just praying that she will feel better later, or at least, by tomorrow.

Finally to wee Charly.  She came out of ICU yesterday and has improved in leaps and bounds since coming off the vent.  She's having all her scans at the moment and I'm praying like mad that the results will be N.E.D.  Charly has told her mummy that the results will be super, it will never ever come back and there will be no more chemo!  I'm sure she's right!  Last night she saw her brother Jack for the first time in over a month.  How wonderful it must have been for the family to have all been together after so long.  Love to the Johns family. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Celiswan,

    Thats good news about your Mums mouth but bad about the sickness at least you have narrowed it down to two things Muller Rice or her swallowing Gelclair.

    Thanks for keeping us up to date about Charly, she

    must be some kid.

    You take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    I think the RT can take quite a while to get over. It probably caused her sore mouth and is still making her feel sick. In my case it has always been two steps forward, one back. Each time I have chemo, the sore throat is back, but not so badly. I am sure she will be fine and these things will go completely given a chance to build up her strength and get some confidence back. This is probably the last set back she will have now. I do hope so. Start shopping for that holiday - it sounds wonderful :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    Sorry to hear your mum is feeling poorly.  Hopefully it will be down to one of those two things.  I know John says that the Gelclair makes him feel sick.  Good news that her mouth is clear so let's hope the sickness clears soon.

    Wonderful news about Charly.  I can't imagine how thrilled her family must feel.

    Take care.

    Love and *hugs* to you both

    Marjorie x x x x x