My mum has extensive sclc

  • September 6th 2010 - A better day!


    Well I got mum up at 6.15am and helped her get washed and dressed.  We had our breakfast and then I set off for work at 7.30am safe in the knowledge that she had her phone in her pocket and Gillian and the kids just next door.  She said she would phone me throughout the day to let me know she was ok and I gave her the times when I wouldn't be in meetings.  Gillian was taking her to the dentist to have her impression…

  • Sunday September 5th - Mum couldn't get out of bed this morning!


    Here I am again in panice mode!  Back to work tomorrow and mums legs, and arms, seem to have got really weak in the last few days.  She is also sore from her fall on Friday night.

    This morning mum came into my room and woke me up at around 8.30am, once I'm asleep I hear nothing!  She was soaking with sweat and asked if I could come and help her get dressed.  It turned out she'd been trying to get out of bed for 30 minutes…

  • Friday September 3rd - Mums legs are so weak!


    Just as I'm about to return to work after the summer break my mums legs seem to have got even weaker.  When we went for her wig yesterday she decided she would walk to the shop from the car.  It was only across the road.  As we got to the pavement on the otherside she took a rather large stride onto the pavement and her leg just gave way.  I had to pull her up onto her feet and she was quite shaken.  I thought it was just…

  • Tuesday August 31st - Mum needs a minor op!


    Well, what can I say?  My mum has been suffering with a very painful mouth for at least 8 weeks now.  Initially she had very bad mucositis which was cleared in 48 hours after some of my friends on here suggested asking for Gelclair.  The mucositis cleared up but her top gum had become inflamed and because of her dentures rubbing she was in severe pain.  After 6 visits to the dentist and a week in Spain which was spoiled by…

  • Thursday August 26th - Mums x-ray is still clear!


    We've had a couple of nervy days knowing that mum would have a chest x-ray this morning before seeing her oncologist, Dr Mehta.  Mum hadn't said anything about being worried but I was aware that she was and I had very little sleep last night worrying about what would be said today. 

    We got to the hospital at 8.15am for mums x-ray and were, then, an hour early for mums oncology appointment but went along anyway…