September 6th 2010 - A better day!

2 minute read time.

Well I got mum up at 6.15am and helped her get washed and dressed.  We had our breakfast and then I set off for work at 7.30am safe in the knowledge that she had her phone in her pocket and Gillian and the kids just next door.  She said she would phone me throughout the day to let me know she was ok and I gave her the times when I wouldn't be in meetings.  Gillian was taking her to the dentist to have her impression done for soft linings in her denture as a temporary measure until she has the op and then gets a new denture.

At 10.05am, just as I was addressing the entire staff, my phone rung, fortunately I had it on silent and vibrate but as you can imagine the fact it had gone off in my pocket threw me into a panic.  I told myself not to panic as Gillian was there and continued with the meeting.  I finished at 10.20am and rushed off to ring home.  Mum answered and said 'I just wanted you to know that I'm fine.  I've been to the dentist and I walked really well!'  'That's great' says I ' but I did say I was in a meeting until 10.30am and you gave me a fright as I thought something was wrong!'.  'Why would something be wrong?' she asks, Lol!

Getting rails, walking frame etc. in place has proven that bureaucracy and red tape aren't dead!  I rung the OTs using the card they had given me.  No we only deal with people with mental health issues, you need to go through district nurse!  Rung district nurse, no you have to go through social services!  Rung social services you can't get OTs until your mum is allocated to a social worker!  I explained that she had a social worker and that OTs had told me there was no need to go through the referral system again if we needed anything in the future.  No she's no longer on the social workers list so someone will be in touch in a couple of days to arrange a vist and then they will refer to the OTs who will come and assess.  No amount of explaining that mum was not safe in the house on her own and I needed these things as soon as possible helped.  She asked what mum needed and I gave her a list so here's what happens next.

I can request the handrails directly so that has been done.  The OTs have to assess and refer for the bed rails and half step.  The GP has to refer for a walking frame and the red button community response system is done through twin valley homes at a cost of £2.80 per week plus installation charge.  So I rung the GP and they will let me know when he has signed the form for the walking frame.  Someone from social workers will ring to arrange a visit and then they will contact the OT's who will visit to assess what mum needs!  So if tomorrow or the next day she has another bad fall or can't get into the toilet tough!  Unfortunately Christine, mums CNS, is on annual leave as I'm sure she would have got things sorted much quicker!  I think she's back tomorrow so will give her a ring!  Hoping mums legs and arms have another steady day tomorrow and until we have everything in place!   

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    I'm really glad to hear your mum had a better day today.  Boy, it sounds as though you have been really busy sorting out all the equipment, well done you, I know it isn't easy, I've been there too.  Although I did find that I got most of our equipment through mum's MacNurse's OT colleague, who works with her.  She has been amazing sorting everything out.  We did get the profile bed and wheelchair from the hosp, but pretty much everything else from MacMillan.  

    Hope your first day of term went well and tomorrow is another good day for mum and you.


    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    hi caroline

    what a fright with your phone! i sometimes think the days of not being contactable 24/7 were preferable!

    hope the coming days are good ones.xx

    love, claire xx  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    Glad to hear its been a better day! Hope you can get everything orted asap.

    Love and hugs o you both

    Maxine xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Glad your Mums feeling better today. I have one of those Alarms on my wrist it comesin very handy if I take a tumble the people are there in about 3/4 mins. All the best.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, so glad your Mum had a better day. I hope they get all the aids sorted soon for her, to give you a bit more peace of mind. Thinking of you Val X