Tuesday August 31st - Mum needs a minor op!

2 minute read time.

Well, what can I say?  My mum has been suffering with a very painful mouth for at least 8 weeks now.  Initially she had very bad mucositis which was cleared in 48 hours after some of my friends on here suggested asking for Gelclair.  The mucositis cleared up but her top gum had become inflamed and because of her dentures rubbing she was in severe pain.  After 6 visits to the dentist and a week in Spain which was spoiled by her very painful mouth, her dentist referred her to the maxillo facial consultant at the hospital.

Today we went to the appointment and were told that mum has a couple of skin flaps on her top gum caused by ill-fitting dentures worn over a period of time!  Other than that her oral health is fine.  The consultant says what he'll do is a minor op, which will take around 15 mins under local anaesthetic, to remove the skin flaps.  She will then have to let her mouth heal for about 2 months before she can get new dentures made.  I was told to phone at 1pm today to get her appointment for the procedure.  Well I rung and the appointment is on October 11th!

I explained to the woman giving mum the appointment that mum has terminal cancer but that she's NED at the moment and so we would come at a moments notice in order to get this sorted out quickly so that she can enjoy some pain free, quality time.  I asked if there was any chance of a cancellation and she told me not to worry as mum didn't have anything sinister as the consultant had said it was a non-urgent procedure, so there was no rush.  Now all of us on here know what may be non-urgent to a healthy person can be very urgent in terms of the quality of life a terminal cancer patient has whilst they're still with us. 

I'm not meaning to be pessimistic it's just that we don't know when mums cancer will come back, the only thing we do know for sure is it will come back.  She has gone through all her treatment and should now be able to enjoy some quality time where she feels well in herself.  The pain in her mouth is stopping her from doing this.  Trying to get the woman to understand that proved difficult (impossible actually) but she said she would put mums name on the list for a cancellation.  So I'll give her a week and then ring her again to remind (plague) her. 

The way things stand at the moment our hope to go back to Spain at October half term looks unlikely.  It would be at least midway through December before she could start to have a new denture made and seemingly that process is around 6 weeks.  Mum is understandably down.  Her legs have also been extremely weak today but I'm not sure if that's just that she's walked a bit more today or even the nervousness that she felt going to see the consultant.  Hopefully, she'll pick up again tomorrow.  I'm feeling a bit low today to be honest, it just doesn't seem fair!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    It's amazing how people just don't understand how precious time is.

    I hope your mum gets a cancellation and manages to get through the procedure pain free that they get their bum in gear to get her new denture made.

    Hopefully you can both then have more happy days and a lovely Christmas.

    Lots of love to you both.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Im sorry to hear that your Mum has yet to go through another op alright its a minor one but will take along time to heal.  I hope she gets a break and is taken early. All the Best.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Here's hoping your mum gets that cancellation, and if not, keep ringing, and plaguing them!!  They will soon get fed up and miraculously fit her in.  Keep your chin up, and hopefully you will get to go to Spain in October.  

    Take care

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    Aw your poor mum. As if she hasn't been through enough already.

    I do hope a cancellation comes up soon and she is on the mend and she can have that holiday.

    All the best, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    Im glad you know what is causing the problems now, but totally agree that your mum's time is precious and that the dentist should be more accomodating!  Perhaps you could ask to speak to the actual dentist and see if he is more understanding. I have met with some ferocious receptionists in my time!! You shouldn't have to have the added frustrations that jobsworths bring, when all you want to do is get some quality time with your mum!!

    Hope you manage to get appointment brought forward, you deserve to get your holiday!!

    Love and hugs
