My Lovely Wife Julie

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 3


    6/2/11 - Three Radio cycles finished, Two to go. 

    Today there are definate signs of improvement.  Julie managed to walk the 20 yards to the bathroom with her sticks and I helped her shower, dress and walk back to her bed.  Neither of us expected the Radio to take effect so soon, or is the combination of Nozinan and Steroids supressing the sympoms that are allowing her to walk ?

    The ward staff are turning a blind eye to…

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 2


    The Leicester Royal has restricted visiting hours to try and control flu viruses.  2-3pm and 7-8pm.  To get parked you have to arrive an hour early for the afternoon visit and then hang around waiting areas until the evening session.  We live 40 minits from the hospital so it doesn't make sense to go home.

    The old visiting times used to be 11am to 8pm and you were guaranteed to be there when the Onc visits or any other…

  • Opening Blog


    This is my first blog to chart my feelings and treatments for my lovely wife Julie.

    I don't write for sympathy or through anger, and I don't solicit response.

    I write to just speak out loud to anonymous people who may or not know what julie and I are going through. 

    There are some things I need to say that those closest to us would be unable to understand so I will use this Blog to share my thoughts.

    My Bio…