My Lovely Wife Julie

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 8


    Things have been a lot better the last few days.  No Nausea, the odd small vomit, but nothing to worry about - usually the result of a coughing fit.  The cough is easing up though now - the antibiotics must be taking effect.

    It shouldn't be too long before we can get out again - out of our prison and into some fresh air, maybee visit some local friends.

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 7


    The pain in the leg eased off, the doctor visited - just a courtesy call and to catch up as he had been off for 2 months recovering from a spine operation.  He left a script for antibiotics in case her cough doesn't clear up by Monday.

    Yesterday and today, after her afternoon nap, Julie has been sick.  Don't know what the cause may be but there was a large volume today. Makes me wonder if the Radio Therapy to the Cerabellum…

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 6


    Saturday morning and there were clumps of hair on the pillow so I did what any caring Husband would do and got my trimmer out and gave Julie a Number 1.  The trimmer in one hand and the Hoover in the other - just the thing for a lazy morning in bed.

    I wish I looked as good as her with no

    Sunday was a good day.  Julies mum was 80 so we booked a table at a local eatery for 20 and had a big family get together…

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 5


    Monday we were back as an Out-Patient for Radio Therapy to the Sacrum.  The trip was OK apart from being sick half a mile from home on the return journey. This was probably due to car sickness as there were no further occurance that day.

    Expect Hair loss, 7-10 days after treatment they said.  Sure enough the signs were on the pillow this morning, Julie has already had a short hair cut in preparation.  This will be the 3rd…

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 4


    Back Home today, Hurray..........but..............

    A full day starting at 8.30am with the last Radio to the head.  Meeting with the Onc that should have been at 10.40am didn't happen til 11.50am but she did say we could go home today.  A planning session for the Sacrum area followed and at 1.30pm we were back on the Ward to tell the Sister we could go home.......

    We wait for Discharge note.....................
