My Lovely Wife Julie 2

Less than one minute read time.

The Leicester Royal has restricted visiting hours to try and control flu viruses.  2-3pm and 7-8pm.  To get parked you have to arrive an hour early for the afternoon visit and then hang around waiting areas until the evening session.  We live 40 minits from the hospital so it doesn't make sense to go home.

The old visiting times used to be 11am to 8pm and you were guaranteed to be there when the Onc visits or any other Healthcare professional stops by her bed.

Today, while I was waiting to visit, a Palliative Care worker paid her a visit to discuss her demise, with good advise about leaving notes and instructions for her "loved ones" when she's gone.

He left - she cried alone - I could have thumped the calous B*****d for entering into a conversation, so delicate and personal, which was unsolicited without my knowledge.

We have approached every stage of this journey as a couple and it just P****d me off.

1st Radio to the Head today, 2 short blasts, one to each side

  • FormerMember

    I'm so so sorry about the insensitive git.  Doctors etc so often forget that what to them is job is someone's family and life.

    I don't know what to say.  I'm just so sorry that you're in this horrible situation.lx

  • Hi , Hard to put into words how I feel. So very sad that your wife experienced this. You are clearly very loving and I think she would turn to you first.

    Hope the treatment goes well. Very well.

    Love to both of you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman,

    If some bastard had have done that to my wife,without me being there I would hit him where it hurts report him to to his bosses and make a right

    stink about it.  I would have brought to my wifes room with me there and get him to apologise in no uncertain terms. What I would do after that I will not repeat here. my thoughts  are with you both tonight.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry for you and your wife. You just stick together and know you have each other always.

    Take care Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    I was told a had a brain tumour alone at the hospital, had to ring my hubby at work and ask him to come up and see me and I had to tell him.

    Although the doctor was caring and sensitive.....there really was no nice or easy way to tell me other than straight out!

    I am so sorry your wife was left alone with all those feelings crashing round inside her without her 'rock' to hold & comfort her.  I would talk to someone there about how you and your wife felt about the way this was handled.

    Ward staff are so darn busy these days (I am not making excuses for them but it must impact on the way they work.

    Love & strength to you both as you enter a new phase of your journey together.

    Debs xx