My Lovely Wife Julie 3

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6/2/11 - Three Radio cycles finished, Two to go. 

Today there are definate signs of improvement.  Julie managed to walk the 20 yards to the bathroom with her sticks and I helped her shower, dress and walk back to her bed.  Neither of us expected the Radio to take effect so soon, or is the combination of Nozinan and Steroids supressing the sympoms that are allowing her to walk ?

The ward staff are turning a blind eye to me arriving early for visiting and we have arranged an out patient visit for Tusday with the Onc to review treatment and get the results of the CT abdomen scan.

Overall a good weekend.

  • FormerMember

    warm hugs to you and Julie, Sadman. Im so pleased to hear that Julie has managed to walk to the shower, it must mean such alot to her, and to you.  My sister was put onto nozinan and it was the only anti sickness med that helped. Im sure Julies treatments will continue to help her. You try and take care of you too because Julie will worry if you don`t. I wish for some good results from the scan for you both.

    much love scarlet xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman,

    Thats good news to hear that Julie is improving slightly. I hope the review and the CT scan results

    are what you are both hoping for. You will be in my thoughts on Tueday. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    you are both in my thoughts.... so happy you are able just to walk in when you want to and rightly so love and hugs jen xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman, So pleased for you that you can go and visit Julie when ever you want,glad you got it sorted. Good luck tomorrow with the scan results and its good to here Julie is improving.

    Take care  Sue  xx

  • Good to hear the staff are turning a blind eye to your early arrival at visiting. It sounds as if your wife is regaining some strength.

    Best wishes,
