My Lovely Wife Julie 6

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Saturday morning and there were clumps of hair on the pillow so I did what any caring Husband would do and got my trimmer out and gave Julie a Number 1.  The trimmer in one hand and the Hoover in the other - just the thing for a lazy morning in bed.

I wish I looked as good as her with no

Sunday was a good day.  Julies mum was 80 so we booked a table at a local eatery for 20 and had a big family get together.  Julie was OK but the time spent in the dining chair had to be compensated with pain meds to get her through the day.

Monday Julie has a new pain in her left thigh.  Don't know if its 'C' related or what ?  The Doc is due to visit tomorrow so we will see what he says.  In the mean time she is playing safe and stopping in bed.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman,

    Glad Julie went to the party and had a good time. You did the right thing by clipping her hair. she is doing the right thing by stopping in bed.All the best to you both and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi SadMan,

                   I am glad that Julie was able to attend the family get together and I hope the new pain is nothing serious. Wishing you both well.

                   Love lizzie xx

  • FormerMember


    thats good that julie was able to be there to share in her mums special day.

    i am sure the hair cutting experience is a difficult one, but it sounds as if facing it together was better than hiding away from it.

    i hope the doctor visit brought good news, and that you are both having a good week.

    love, claire xx

  • FormerMember

    hi hun well tell julie im baldy as well got my daughter to shave mine off and now they have stopped the bloody chemo that made my hair nfall out because it was too much for me to cope with so im just on two lots now instead of three but hey ho hair wont grow back properly till im finished completely so im walking about like a skinhead funnily enough im used to it now and the kids say i suit it

    im so glad you had a nice time at the family get together im sure it did jules good to get out for a while and catch up with everyone one small step hun !!!

    take care love and hugs jen xxx